
category: on food & drink

A food recipe website

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So there isn’t a super exciting story about this website. It was started around 2001 as a very simple site to share recipes between my Mom and brother John. We had young children and got my mom to tell us a bunch of recipes we liked a children. Over time it has very slowly grown to have more family favourite. I mostly write them down if a guest asks me for a recipe after a meal at our home.

The initial site was built with a Perl cgi-script and was very basic with a little text file database. circa 2009

At some point in 2010, my friends John Oxton and Rachel King gave me a design they had made for a recipe website based on a cookbook they loved, Leaves from The Walnut Tree.

I updated the Perl cgi and made a real sqlite database. However, I found that it was just too complicated for my family to use to create new recipes. So after my brother and I finished our cocktail website I thought, why not update the recipe site in the same way, where the recipes are in markdown and much easier for people to use.

So I change the original cgi to output the pages into markdown with nice front matter and created a webform for people to easily create new recipes. I used everything I learned on the cocktail site to create on page metric quantities and scaling.

Check out and let me know what you think.


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