
category: travel, hiking,

Tour de Mont Blanc - Day 9

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Stayed Hotel Col de la Forclaz  
Ate Lunch  
  Dinner at Hotel Col de la Forclaz
Travel Walking 17.26 km, 6:08 hours, 955 meters up, 922 meters down

Champex Lac to Hotel Col de la Forclaz

Today was mostly in trees and pasture land with a lot of up over a mountain in a lot of heat.

We stopped at Refuge Bovine for some peach pie and water. It was really lovely, but very crowded.

At Col de la Forclaz we spotted an Alpage cheese shop and wine bar. We spent a lot of time there eating wine and cheese and getting some food for the walk the next day. The hotel feels dated, but the dinner was excellent and the staff are great.

We slept in a dorm with a lot of other people, but the showers, bathrooms and people where all pleasant.


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