Book - Back to the Garden
Back to the Garden
Geoffrey Ross
Geoffrey is my late uncle. I was given this book right before he killed himself. I had started it and spoke to him about it, but put it down when he died.
I think that he really wanted my opinion on the book. The last time I saw him, I was in ninth grade and just read Sidharth by Herman Hesse for Non-Western World at USM (my high school). He was pretty impressed that was something I read and was interested in. Unfortunately we never got to speak much about his book or really anything.
I don’t know why I picked up the book again. I just saw it on the shelf and started reading. Its actually pretty good, trying to explain Buddhism by having a modern man travel back in time to actually learn from the man himself. It works pretty well, but clearly doesn’t fit in a gendre and is therefore not really commercial. But it did help me learn more…
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