
category: about,


Server Information

This site is run on a Linux box hosted by Rackspace. We are running Apace 2.x and I am using Moveable Type as a CMT with Brad Chote’s excellent MT-Textile 2.x and John Gruber’s excellent SmartyPants.

For the travel journals and am using a home-built CMS that also uses MT-Textile and SmartyPants and is the back-bone of some well known sites ( to name one ).

All my scripts are written in Perl.

Desktop Software

I use iPhoto and Photoshop for images. UltraEdit on a PC, BBedit on a Mac and Emacs on Linux for text editing.

Contact Me

You can email me at


Creative Commons License

This weblog is licensed under a Creative Commons’ Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.


I am an American living outside London. I am married and have two young children. I have been working on the web since 1995 doing everything from design to coding, but mostly as a Product Manager and/or Managing Editor.

I am very interested in clean, simple, web-standard information design and try to bring that to every place I work.


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